- Anchorage Amateur Radio Club - https://kl7aa.org -

220 MHz Repeater – Giving us Fits

By: Kent Petty, KL5T
Date: 12/2/2022

Some of you know we’ve been having issues with getting our new 220 MHz repeater online at our Hillside South site. We thought we might have had feedline issues.

We had some other work to do at the site today so we thought we’d give it another go with a different feedline. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to do the trick. We said “Uncle”, and pulled all the gear (the repeater, the tuning cavities, and the antenna) out and brought it back down to the RSOC for testing and evaluation.

We’ll give everything a once over to see if we can find the issues and with luck, we’ll have this bugger on the air soon.

Hang in there.


By the way, we can ALWAYS use help with keeping our repeaters and other systems online.  Don’t be afraid to get involved.  Thanks.