A temporary packet node was installed at Site Summit on Thursday, 9/12/2024 by Kent (KL5T) and Dave (N9AIG). This temporary node is consists of a Kantronics KPC3+. As such, it has a Ka-Node, a BBS, and a straight digipeat function. Sorry, there is no round-robin chat available on a Ka-Node.
Here are the particulars:
Frequency: 145.01 MHz
Node identifier: EAGLE (c EAGLE)
BBS idenfitier: KL7AA-5
Digipeater Identifier: KL7AA-7
If you intend to use this site to connect to another packet station, if possible, connect to EAGLE, then per the menu system, you can “C” (connect) to another station. Just follow the prompts. Yes, you can simply digipeat by using C <callsign> v KL7AA-7, but it is somewhat more efficient on the air to use the node.
You SHOULD be able to use Winlink to connect to the KL7ZK-10 VHF RMS by using the Winlink interface and connecting to KL7ZK-10 via KL7AA-7. You won’t be able to use the “node” function for this.
Our ultimate goal is to install a LinBPQ (this is the Linux version of BPQ32) node running on a Raspberry Pi at Site Summit to replace the old “TheNet” system. BPQ32 is currently support and runs on a variety of platforms. We will even be able to have some linkage between this node on packet and on our mesh network. Perhaps we’ll be able to re-esatablish a sophisticated packet node system like was once operated in the area.
If you’d like to assist with this project, please drop a note to info@kl7aa.org.
Kent, KL5T