- Anchorage Amateur Radio Club - https://kl7aa.org -

Resubmit License Application to FCC

Pay this fee only if you were administered your license examination by the Anchorage ARC VEC, your application was “Set Aside” or “Dismissed” by the FCC, and you wish us to resubmit your application to the FCC.  If you were administered your examination by another VEC, or if your exam was administered by the Anchorage ARC VEC but you need something CORRECTED on that submission, DO NOT PAY YOUR FEE HERE.  Instead, proceed to the following page to find an available examination session where our VE team can review your CSCE and complete a new submission package for the FCC.  https://hamstudy.org/sessions/anchorage/remote [1]

Contact: Kent Petty, KL5T
Phone:   (907) 632.3963
Email: vec@kl7aa.org [2]