Raspberry Pis, RT Systems Cable, Monitor for Sale. Also Free Magazines
- Linux magazines from the last 5 years or so various publisher. Free
- ARRL QST Magazines from April 2023 to January 2024. Free
- RT Systems USB-82 Programming Cable (Kenwood & some Yaesu radios) $15
- Sony Sonic View 20 inch screen monitor VGA connectors (Likely 15 years old) $15
Raspberry Pi whole box of stuff $300
- 2 Raspberry Pi 2 Model B V 1.1
- 1 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V 1.2
- 1 Ardunio Uno
- Keyboard and mouse Bluetooth
- 3 cases
- 3 WIFI USB for the model 3
- 3 memory cards
- 3 Power supplies
- LCD Screen
- Mini Robot Rover Kit
- Other kits
- Bread boards
- Wires
- LED lights
- Resistors
- Sensors
- 2 Speakers
- & much more
To get in touch, please e-mail me at ricardo.for.sale@posteo.net [1]. If interested, please e-mail me, or if you would like to talk by phone, please e-mail me your phone number.