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FCC Provides Useful Tools Regarding License Applications and More

We received an e-mail from the FCC this morning regarding a checklist relative to License Renewals and a reminder that they have an “FCC Knowledge Base” as well.  To keep things simple, I’m providing the exact text from the email below:


In order to provide Amateur operators with as much information as possible, we have created a Personal Services Renewal Application Checklist [1]. This checklist is a preparation guide to help license holders gather the necessary information before they begin the Renewal process, direct them to the proper websites, and provide help articles to common issues some people encounter. It is our hope that this article will help the Amateur community navigate the ULS and CORES systems, to file and pay for their applications.

We are asking that you please provide a link to this information to your customers through your different communication channels, so they are prepared to file their Renewals when the time comes. Also, please feel free to link to FCC’s Knowledge Base [2] from your websites to help the Amateur community find the appropriate FCC resources.  

Thank you for your support in this effort.


I hope to have this up on our License Testing page in the next few days.


Kent Petty, KL5T, Chairman
Anchorage ARC VEC