The Anchorage ARC has partnered with HamSc [1]i to host a Grape 2 Personal Space Weather Station [2] at KL5T’s Nikiski residence (heretofore known as Detachment 1 of the Radio Science and Operations Center, or RSOC Det 1 for short !! ). The Grape 2 is a 3-channel, low-IF receiver designed specifically to receive, analyze, and

record WWV, WWVH, and CHU signals. In addition to the the receiver/hardrive suite, there is an external GPS antenna connected. The RF input to the receiver is connected to a 3-element fan dipole. The project effectively monitors changes in the ionosphere through measurements of signal levels and Doppler frequency shifts on a 24/7 basis. A short-term goal for this system is to monitor how tomorrow’s solar eclipse affects the ionosphere. However, the system is expected to stay online, at this point, indefinitely. There are 30 units installed across North America.
Final RF gain adjustments were made to the system today. It is

online and fully operational, collecting data as I write this.
If you aren’t aware of HamSci, I encourage you to check out what they are doing as YOU might be able to get involved in something cool as well.
Good stuff!