73 everyone!
My name is Kevin Kelson (KM4GHR). I am a new member of RSOC. I’ve been a Tech since 2014 in the lower 48, however, I had to pause any ham operations since being in Alaska for the last 7 years due to working/ living in the North Slope. I am law enforcement as well as a senior enlisted service member of the Army Reserves in JBER.
I’ve recently moved my family and I to Anchorage and could not wait to get back into supporting net operations, learning more, and helping where I can.
All that being said, when I left the lower 48 7 years ago, I had to leave all my gear behind and now have nothing. I currently have a no-name brand handheld that might as well have been bought at Toys R Us and starting to fail.
I do have a KENWOOD 74A on its way, as well and Kenwood D710 mobile with hood mount and mobile antenna, all of which should be here next week.
I am reaching out in hopes there is somebody savy with Kenwood programming to can show me what I need and help to program, as well as somebody savvy with installing mobiles in vehicles to assist me. Lastly and most importantly, I am seeking a Kenwood handheld that somebody could loan out or allow me to purchase. Any help would be amazing…. I don’t have any base unit set up as well at my house either.
I am a rotation officer up north and am currently off duty in anchorage until the 20th.
Feel free to give me a call or text anytime and I’ll be happy to come to you.
Thank you in advance, even for just support and advice.
My number is 907-830-5404