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Something Random But Curious…All About 19″ Racks

This from our friend Cliff Segar in Tennessee…

The 19″ Rack

In the beginning was the rack; and the rack was without uniformity and non-standard. And the Lord Demarest moved on the face of the chaos to establish uniformity and modularity. And He made common the size of the rack thusly saying:

All panels are to be of a uniform length, designed to mount on vertical supports spaced 19½ inches. The height of the different panels will vary, according to the amount of apparatus in each unit, but this vertical dimension is in all cases to be a whole multiple of 1¾ inches.

BSTJ 2: 3. July 1923: Telephone Equipment for Long Cable Circuits. (Demarest, Charles S.) p. 139

(https://archive.org/details/bstj2-3-112/page/n27/mode/1up [1])