AARC Membership

Annual individual dues for the Anchorage Amateur Radio Club (AARC) (KL7AA) are $20.00 for a calendar year and are due by December 31st for the next year. Additional household members can be added for $10 per year.  New and household member rates are pro-rated on a quarterly basis.  Life memberships are also available; see the cost schedule below.   Members who reside in the state of Alaska have voting rights at the General Membership meetings and elections for Officers and Directors. Contact Membership@KL7AA.org if you have questions about joining.

Student memberships are also available at NO COST for full-time students (primary, secondary, or college).  Click here to apply for a student membership

NOTE:  Members are considered “REGULAR” members or “ASSOCIATE” members.  Regular members are those who hold a current valid amateur radio license.  Associate members are those who do NOT hold a current valid amateur radio license.  Associate members have the same rights of membership as Regular members, but they may not hold an elected or appointed office 

You may also join the club at any meeting or by calling us at (907) 345-0719 and leaving a message with your contact details.

Please provide your FCC Amateur Radio Callsign in the order comments.

New Memberships (use this if you are indeed a brand new member, or if you were not a member last year)

New Individual Membership – $20 (see prorates below)
Joining Apr – Jun:  $15.00
Joining Jul – Sep:  $10.00
Joining Oct – Dec:  $5.00
New Membership for ADDITIONAL Household Members – $10.00 (see prorates below)
Joining Apr – Jun: 
Joining Jul – Sep:  $5.00
Joining Oct – Dec:  $2.50
– NOTE: Can only be used if there is a paid Individual membership already in the household

Membership Renewal (use this if you renewing an existing and current membership)

Renew Existing Individual Membership – $20
Renew Existing Membership for ADDITIONAL Household Members – $10
           – NOTE: Can only be used if there is a paid Individual membership already in the household

Life Memberships

Under 65 Years Old – $250
65 – 69 Years Old – $200
70 – 74 Years Old – $150
75 – 79 Years Old – $100
80 – 84 Years Old – $50
85 Years Old or Older – $1

Contact Membership@KL7AA.org if you have questions about joining, or call us at (907) 345-0719 and leaving a message with your contact details.

Student Memberships – free as indicated above

Click here to apply for a student membership