Donate Cash – General Fund, Endowment Fund, etc.

We accept donations online with a credit card or PayPal. By clicking the button below, you can donate any amount you choose. 

Please indicate in the “instructions” section any preference you have for the use of your donation.  For example, “General Fund”, “Endowment Fund”, or “Donation on behalf of a Silent Key to the Endowment Fund”, etc.

You can also donate by mail. Please send checks to the address below:

 Anchorage Amateur Radio Club, Inc.  
 PO Box 190192
 Anchorage, AK 99519

The AARC can’t operate and maintain the resources we own without adequate funding.  Expenses include rent for repeater sites, web and telephone services, club station facility rent, insurance, vehicle and generator fuel, vehicle registration, etc.

We can accept tax-deductible donations as we are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  We are happy to accept direct donations or contributions but are always exploring other ways to generate the needed income to fund our important activities.

You can also help with Fred Meyer Community Rewards.  Learn how:

Fred Meyer Community Rewards