Full AARC Membership Roster
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Full AARC Membership Roster as o 3/27/2025
First Name Middle Name Last Name Life Member # Membership Type Membership Expiration Date Amateur Callsign
Allen L Abbott L190 Lifetime KB1QCE
Roland A Anders L260H Lifetime K3RA
Leonard E Andrews Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7CA
Steven M Antonucci L189 Lifetime KL3VL
John D Antonuk Individual Annual 12/31/2025 AL7ID
HIDEO AOKI L279 Lifetime AL8V
David M Arnold Individual Household Member Annual 12/31/2025 KN6YRT
Paul J Arnold Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KN6YXK
Keith S Austin L208 Lifetime KL2JE
John Bains-Jordan L238 Lifetime KL7ICB
Michael Baker L213 Lifetime NL7J
Robert O Baker L154 Lifetime NL7UQ
William R Balzarini L088 Lifetime KL7BB
William Prentice Barker L136 Lifetime AL7JT
Robert J Bartucco L274 Lifetime K1PZ
Tibor Bathony L096 Lifetime Associate
Patrick A Beaugard L019 Lifetime KL7EJ
Robert A Beaumont Student 12/31/2026 AL5KA
Charles Bierwirth Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7KBN
Clayton Billings Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5MH
Craig V Bledsoe L156 Lifetime KL7H
Stephen H Bloom L237 Lifetime KL7SB
Randall L Bolin L278 Lifetime KU9TRY
Frank Bowlin L089 Lifetime WL7D
Kit W Brady Individual Annual 12/31/2025 AL9D
James B Branch Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7JBB
Charles Brown L242 Lifetime KL5C
Jean E Bruce L269 Lifetime KL4JEB
John W Bruce L240 Lifetime KL4O
John C Bury L192 Lifetime KL7QZ
Donald E Bush L239 Lifetime KL7JFT
Elizabeth B Cannon Individual Household Member Annual 12/31/2025 KL4TU
Eric C Cannon Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL4VA
Billy B Capers L069 Lifetime AL7BB
Rick Carl L228 Lifetime WO1FMN
Steven W Carraway L224 Lifetime KL4OX
Zachary N Carter Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5ZC
John W Carty L126 Lifetime WA1ACN
Robert E Christensen L127 Lifetime KL7ERV
Ronald Christensen L261 Lifetime KL5UB
Harold K Clark L193 Lifetime KL7MM
John T Clough L129 Lifetime NL7CN
Edward R Cole L133 Lifetime KL7UW
Lisa Cooley Individual Annual 12/31/2025 Associate
Steven R Cranford L264 Lifetime KL4DK
Charles Wade Crawford Student 5/31/2026 Associate
Mario M Cruz L214 Lifetime KL5FX
Joyce Marie Curman L125 Lifetime KL7MQ
Scott G Dakers Individual Annual 12/31/2025 W7SGD
Richard L Day L113 Lifetime KL7SH
Shaun Deane Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KC1SBV
Kolby Decker Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL0G
April C Delancy L066 Lifetime AL7CV
Jean A Delancy L070 Lifetime W1JD
Thomas M Delker L259H Lifetime K1KY
Richard E Dennis L134 Lifetime KL7IOL
Allen E DeSousa L174 Lifetime KL7AED
Jeffery D Dick Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7UE
Robert A Doehl Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL1ER
Clarence M Douthett L226 Lifetime KA0YPV
Richard P Dowling Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL0DR
Cornelius J Eastman L247 Lifetime KL0FK
Ervin L Edge L057 Lifetime AL7CN
Kenneth W Eggleston L150 Lifetime NL7SP
Asher Engeberg Student 6/1/2025 Associate
Ezra Engeberg Student 6/1/2027 Associate
David B Epstein L075 Lifetime KL7LO
Frederick F Erickson L255 Lifetime KL7FE
Kellye Eversole L230 Lifetime K1SOE
Paul H Fairchild L236 Lifetime AL4G
Michael A Falat L257 Lifetime N0VN
Beverly J Faultersack L122 Lifetime WL7AXI
Robert R Faultersack L123 Lifetime KL7SV
Eric M Fell L246 Lifetime NL5E
David L Filley L213 Lifetime WL7CDJ
Jose M Fontanez Del Valle Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5WW
David B Fuller L266 Lifetime NL7QY
Lloyd W Fuller L011 Lifetime KL7JGN
Dana A Gandy L220 Lifetime AF7UM
Galina Gandy L221 Lifetime KA7GAL
Richard M Geiger Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5MM
Michael Gibson L222 Lifetime KL5AX
Timothy W Gibson Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7TWG
James R Gifford L233 Lifetime KL1IO
Richard G Gillin L217 Lifetime AL4S
Dennis B Gleason L139 Lifetime KL7GGT
Ian H Green Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5RN
Jacquelyn Cozette Green L254 Lifetime KL4RL
Leonard R Grijalva L199 Lifetime KL3OG
Robert Gunson L116 Lifetime KL7PC
Mark A Hadley L027 Lifetime KL7HD
Randell W Haefka Individual Annual 12/31/2025 K7ZVZ
J Andrew Hall L249 Lifetime N5ASE
Clarence Hammer L181 Lifetime KL7CH
Roger K Hansen L036 Lifetime KL7HFQ
Jeramy N Haygood Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7EC
Beth D Head L142 Lifetime NL7FZ
David H Heimke L194 Lifetime AL7LO
Richard J Helms L201 Lifetime KL1NH
Harry R Hillman Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7REV
Andreas Hont Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5PF
Sheree K Horton Individual Annual 12/31/2025 WM5N
Ronald S Horvath Individual Annual 12/31/2025 W8PVZ
Donald H Howell L106 Lifetime KL7IFK
William E Hunstein Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7TC
L137 Lifetime Associate
David B Jackson Individual Annual 12/31/2025 N7FG
Hyun Ju Jang Individual Annual 12/31/2025 W5PSN
James R Jenckes Individual Annual 12/31/2025 AL1R
Paul K Jendryk L093 Lifetime NL7PJ
Jay I Jennings L092 Lifetime KL0WN
Ellen W Johnson L053 Lifetime KL2LN
Richard Johnson L086 Lifetime Associate
William L Johnson Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7KT
Justin A Jones L248 Lifetime KE8WYZ
Ronald R Keech L176 Lifetime KL7YK
Hannelore Kelliher L107 Lifetime NL7EA
Frances M Kelly Individual Household Member Annual 12/31/2025 KL2FL
Robert K Kelly L218 Lifetime KL7EN
Tom R Kiester L140 Lifetime KC7CHL
Corliss A Kimmel Individual Annual 12/31/2025 AL1G
Frederick Kirch L206 Lifetime K3IKY
Karl J Kisser Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5TQ
James Kohl L186 Lifetime KL7KK
Richard W Kotsch L164 Lifetime WL7CPX
Peter C Kozup L276 Lifetime K8OUA
Mark D Kraynack Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KC3TIW
Kenneth Lane L038 Lifetime KL7HH
Kenneth W Langford L210 Lifetime KL5CF
James H Larsen L043 Lifetime AL7FS
Kent S Larson L049 Lifetime KL7SD
David E Lawrence L034 Lifetime KL7HAB
John R Lawson L253H Lifetime NL7NC
Larry L Ledlow Individual Annual 12/31/2025 N1TX
Vincent E Ledvina Student 5/31/2027 Associate
Phillip D Lee Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5EX
Brian Leon L219 Lifetime KL5CU
John F Lime Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL4OF
Tyler J Lime Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL4RN
Matthew Loschiavo L203 Lifetime AG5YR
Adam Lutchansky Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5VR
Edythe L Lynn L167 Lifetime KL7EL
John E Lynn L166 Lifetime KL7CY
Shari K MacGregor L108 Lifetime AL7FJ
Allen P Martin Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7AM
John H Marton L207 Lifetime AL7LN
Lillian Marvin L250H Lifetime KL7YF
Michael C Masters Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7CU
Scott L McCormick L157 Lifetime KL7SLM
Gary L McCrorey L046 Lifetime WQ5R
Paul F McDermott Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5GS
Bruce M McGhie Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5NU
Sean S McKenney Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5NE
Robert M McKinnie L059 Lifetime AL7AW
Michael McLaughlin L231 Lifetime KL7USX
Sue S Michael L104 Lifetime AL7BN
Timothy H Michael L061 Lifetime NL7D
Anthony V Migliorino L215 Lifetime KC3RVI
James C Minton L130 Lifetime KL7JIJ
Andrew N Miokovic Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5DK
William J Missal L143 Lifetime W1JM
Catherine M Moody L100 Lifetime KL7NR
Maximo A Moore L216 Lifetime KL5GH
Steven A Morrison L111 Lifetime KL7ZJ
Edward P Muro Individual Annual 12/31/2025 K2EPM
Garett A Murphy Individual Annual 12/31/2025 N9HXR
Tyler D Nicholas L205 Lifetime N5UC
Gregory G Nightingale L128 Lifetime KK7GN
Karl Nightstar Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KD2WEU
John M Nolte L271 Lifetime KL4OI
John C Nowacki L229 Lifetime W3NA
Christopher P Nugent Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL3IX
Thomas G Oiye Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5RL
Diane H Olson L173 Lifetime KL1MY
Kevin M Opalka Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL1V
John D Orella L110 Lifetime KL7LL
Matthieu Ostrander Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL4QH
Brian W Palenske L225 Lifetime KL4SY
Michael Karl Papp Individual Annual 12/31/2025 WB6GJE
Delores M Parker Individual Household Member Annual 12/31/2025 KL2UU
John A Parker Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL2LR
W L Patterson L185 Lifetime WL7PP
Richard H Pellessier Individual Annual 12/31/2025 AL6P
Barbara J Pepek L180 Lifetime KL3HC
Nicholas Perry Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5VJ
Douglas E Perucca Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7DUG
Anthony James Perullo Student 12/31/2026 KL5UD
Drew A Peterson L211 Lifetime N0DAP
Larry Kent Petty L223 Lifetime KL5T
Riley M Petty Student 5/30/2026 KL4RP
Richard W Phelps L118 Lifetime K7TPN
William D Phifer L153 Lifetime AL7IG
Marc A Phillips L258 Lifetime AD8MK
John D Pieniadz L076 Lifetime AK4MW
Thomas L Plawman Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL4RQ
Antonio R Porreca Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5RP
Gary W Porter Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5WK
Dickson G Pratt L081 Lifetime KL7IWY
Josef E Princiotta L202 Lifetime KL4VB
Peter C Pritchard L273 Lifetime KL7IS
Thomas K Raboin Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL0GC
Ernie Rader Individual Annual 12/31/2025 W5NH
William J Raynsford Individual Annual 12/31/2025 AL7JK
Brandon S Reich L277 Lifetime KL4QD
John T Reich Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL2T
Eric H Reimer L182 Lifetime KL2NW
Bill Reiter L004 Lifetime KL7ITI
Fenton Rexford L095 Lifetime NL7BE
Wesley P Reynaud Individual Annual 12/31/2025 WL7WR
Sherman G Reynolds L050 Lifetime KL7QY
Mark Richey L209 Lifetime KL3MR
Duane L Risse L263 Lifetime AL6K
Marshall G Ronne L141 Lifetime KL1R
Andrew Rosenberger Individual Annual 12/31/2025 AL7U
Mark E Sabel Individual Annual 12/31/2025 WD6BMJ
Elizabeth Sanders Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KO4WHS
Kurt D Sauers Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5II
Leif A Sawyer L234 Lifetime KL5BN
James M Scherr Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL2JH
Morgan M Schoenecker L256 Lifetime KG7SEQ
Robert Tyler Schroder Student 5/31/2025 NT1S
Steve F Schroeder L055 Lifetime KL7ML
Kenneth M Schulz Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KG4OXD
Logan S Schulz Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KI5DAR
Linda K Searcy L146 Lifetime NL7FY
Joseph E Seibert L175 Lifetime AL1F
Theodore J Sheffield L195 Lifetime KL7TS
Gary E Sherman L268 Lifetime KL3G
Donald F Smith L262 Lifetime KL2EZ
Robin L Smith L047 Lifetime K7HMN
Thomas J Sockolosky L144 Lifetime AC2JI
Deborah J Soltis L120 Lifetime NL7AC
Francis J Soltis L148 Lifetime KL7UQ
Robert C Sommer L152 Lifetime KL7FU
Mark E Soquet Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5JC
Robert E Spencer L135 Lifetime KL7YZ
Joel W Spivey L184 Lifetime N4ERF
Frederick D Sprunger L243 Lifetime KL5QJ
Peter M Steele Individual Annual 12/31/2025 K0VJD
Daniel W Stevens L067 Lifetime KL7WM
David W Stevens L006 Lifetime KL7EB
Arlene B Steward L058 Lifetime KL7HO
Dennis Strait L138 Lifetime NL7DN
George C Strother L112 Lifetime KL7GS
Peter A Summers Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL2GY
John Svihra Individual Annual 12/31/2025 NL7VE
Sammuel Collyn Symmes Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KC0CYR
Joe H Takacs Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KK4AJB
Joseph C Talbott L131 Lifetime KL7NK
Arthur R Taylor L068 Lifetime KL7SK
David A Templeton L244 Lifetime N4NG
Lorraine M Tessier L183 Lifetime KL7IAF
Warren D Tilman L165 Lifetime KL0RA
Louis M Tozzi Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL0R
David A Tremper Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7ZK
Edwin D Tucker L010 Lifetime KL7DU
Howard G Turner L063 Lifetime W5IF
Richard Phillip Tweet L200 Lifetime KL2AZ
John D Twiggs L031 Lifetime KL7HJZ
Pieter M Van Weel L235 Lifetime KL2CR
John D Vogel L074 Lifetime WA9C
Robert Vosper Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KZ1B
Lawrence H Walter L037 Lifetime KL7IWC
Jeremiah Walters L245 Lifetime WL7BUN
Michael Ramsey Walters Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5PJ
William Ward L022 Lifetime KL7JFJ
Dave W Webb L197 Lifetime N9AIG
Bradley Webster Individual Annual 12/31/2025 N1WEB
Roger O Weed L026 Lifetime KV4I
Rebecca Weicht Individual Annual Associate 12/31/2025 Associate
Tyson O Wetzel Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL2WX
Gary R Wheeler L272 Lifetime AL1E
Steven L White Individual Annual 12/31/2025 N8YAK
Daniel M Wietchy Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL1JP
Randy Darrell Wiggins L241 Lifetime W4AI
Stephen A Wilcox L015 Lifetime KL7JIM
George Wilkinson L191 Lifetime KL1JJ
Tylor E Wilson L232 Lifetime KL5TW
Dustin J Witjes Student 4/30/2025 N9SX
Wolfgang Wittmann L267 Lifetime N5YG
Jeffrey S Wolf Individual Annual 12/31/2025 N8EX
John A Wolfe L270 Lifetime KB3JFL
James D Wolgemuth L204 Lifetime KL3RC
Susan J Woods L151 Lifetime NL7NN
Ed Worst Individual Annual 12/31/2025 K9EW
Mitchell K Wyatt Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL5VO
Donald A Yates Individual Annual 12/31/2025 W4GSD
Richard T York Individual Annual 12/31/2025 KL7RTY
John J Zelinsky L227 Lifetime AL6W