VE Teams

The list below shows VE teams that have been established and approved by the Anchorage ARC VEC and deemed eligible to sponsor new VE’s in their respective areas:

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Name of VE Team (click to see exam schedule)CityStateName of Lead VETelephone Number
Anchorage Amateur Radio Club (AARC)AnchorageAKKent Petty, KL5T(907) 632-3963
Delta Amateur Radio Club (D.A.R.C.)Delta JunctionAKJohn Bruce, KL4O(813) 313-9964
Kenai, Alaska VE TeamKenai / SoldotnaAKDavid Tremper, KL7ZK(907) 252-3015
Southern Maryland VE GroupHollywoodMDJD Delancy, W1JD(210) 556-1631
Hastings, MI VE TeamHastingsMIAdam Heistand, W8AXP(941) 661-9649
Jamestown, TN VE TeamJamestownTNJohn Sakowich, W4FBL(931) 863-3442
Lenoir City, TN VE TeamLenoir CityTNCharles Clayton, WW9Y(407) 319-8684
UCNA, TN VE Team (Buffalo)CookevilleTNRandall Bolin, KU9TRY(901) 800-0550
Richmond, TX VE TeamRichmondTXSheree Horton, WM5N(713) 299-6994
Gig Harbor, WA VE TeamGig HarborWADave Jackson, N7FG(253) 549-6673
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