Worldwide AREDN Mesh Network Metrics
Most of you are probably aware of our Anchorage ARC AREDN Mesh Network. The network is a very important part of our EMCOMM effort and other amateur activities. Examples include:...
Operator and Sponsor of the Radio Science and Operations Center (RSOC)
Most of you are probably aware of our Anchorage ARC AREDN Mesh Network. The network is a very important part of our EMCOMM effort and other amateur activities. Examples include:...
Happy New Year! A reminder for our monthly membership meeting on Thursday the 2nd at 7pm. This will be a hybrid meeting with both in-person and Zoom attendance (Join by...
From Rol Anders, Chairman of the NCVEC Question Pool Committee and Volunteer Examiner for Anchorage ARC VEC A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio Extra Class Licensing course on Zoom will...
A full schedule for in-person license examinations for the Anchorage area has been posted. In general, examinations are being scheduled at 5:30 PM on the first Thursday of every month...
Hello again, The last Saturday of each month, at 1000 local time, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Auxiliary Station NNAØLP hosts a test of the Alaska Emergency Frequency on 5167.5 kHz. Use only upper sideband USB...
I hope this finds you well and I am hopeful for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! The Anchorage Amateur Radio Club will be holding an Open...
From Thomas Henderson, KQ4UZM and David Gordon, WA4AMT Two Florida hams, Thomas Henderson KQ4UZM, and David Gordon WA4AMT, would like to establish radio contacts on a regular basis with fellow...
THIS LISTING IS SOLD AllStar Node — TIDRadio Model TD-H8 with upgraded antenna, and speakermic, and Shari PiHatU assembled and in case with Ferrite on USB power cable. Asking $175...
Ameritron AL-811H Amplifier $900 shipping not included. If needs to be shipped it will be calculated at the time of purchase. Photos below. Contact Misty at (907) 444-4085 or
Hello fellow club members and hams… I wanted to share a GoFundMe for Mat Notte, WL4DX, who has been bravely fighting pancreatic cancer. Every donation helps lift the financial burden...
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