
“Freebies” Page Created

By: Kent Petty, KL5T

Announcing the new AARC/RSOC “Freebies” web page.

Several members have requested an ability to list amateur radio-related items so that others might put them to good use. We have created our “Freebies” page to do just that.

How does it work?
Anyone who wishes to post a “Freebie” can do so by filling out an online for the item (or group of similar items). These items will populate a table that can be viewed by the general public. Anyone interested in an item on the list will contact the person listing the item (the person listing must provide a good telephone number and e-mail address which is included with the listing). The interested party and the provider will coordinate the transfer of the property, whether it be by pickup, mail, etc.

If an item is no longer available, the provider of the item should notify treasurer @ that it is gone. Additionally, the plan is to remove any item from the list that has been posted for 6 months in an attempt to keep the list fresh.

Click here to visit the Freebies page

Click here to list an item for the Freebies page