Anchorage Wide Area DMR Repeater On the Air!
Attention DMR enthusiasts!
The AARC stood up a wide-area DMR repeater this afternoon. It is located at our Hillside South location and should provide good coverage of the entire Anchorage Bowl and maybe even some coverage down to the Nikiski/Kenai/Soldotna areas.
Here are the details:
Input Frequency: 449.2 MHz
Output Frequency: 444.2 MHz
Color Code: 1
Static Talk Group: 3102 on Timeslot 2
Local Repeater Talk Group: 311181 on Timeslot 2

A comprehensive codeplug is being developed and will be published when complete.
A huge shout out to Kevin Opalka, KL1V for putting this all together! Another DMR repeater may be in the works….not sure where we might install it.
Kent Petty, KL5T
Vice President
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