Youth, Amateur Radio, and Space – Can’t Help But Share This
These kids made NBC’s TODAY Show. Such a great representation of amateur radio and the excitement it can bring to students! Way to go ARISS! This is a must watch…just...
Operator and Sponsor of the Radio Science and Operations Center (RSOC)
These kids made NBC’s TODAY Show. Such a great representation of amateur radio and the excitement it can bring to students! Way to go ARISS! This is a must watch…just...
As a Chrismas present to aspiring amateur radio operators, one of our Volunteer Examiners, Scott Rosenfeld, N7JI, is presenting a free Technician license exam preparation course from December 26-29. There...
Due to snowpocolypse, I needed to delay the AREDN Mesh Node Flashing Clinic until tomorrow, Sunday, November 12 at 11:00 Alaska time. I’ll demonstrate flashing a Mikrotik node and a...
We have acquired several pieces of Mikrotik 5 GHz gear we need to configure to use on our Anchorage AREDN Mesh network. “Flashing” these units to install the AREDN firmware...
June 26-30, 2023 Covers Technician AND General classes! Taught via Zoom. The current General class (Element 3) question pool is valid until June 30, 2023. This is your chance! I’m...
The following is an extract from the ARRL Letter, April 6, 2023 and republished here in accordance with their permission instructions. This is published for informational and educational purposes. NASA...
We all know the importance of mentorship, and in our world of amateur radio we call those mentors “Elmers”. The ARRL defines ad Elmer as: “Someone who provides personal guidance...
This from one of our VEs, Scott Rosenfeld, N7JI: FCC Technician class license. Online via Zoom Open to all – please pass it on. March 27 – 30, Monday-Thursday, 9...
Know any youth in your area interested in Emergency Preparedness? Students who have a passion for disaster preparedness and helping others, are involved with their community, and enjoy meeting other...
FREE WEEKEND HAM RADIO CLASS Get your Technician class license in a weekend! (I truly don’t have anything better to do than teach you radio!) Feb. 4-5, 2023. FREE and...