Remember When We Tore “Stuff” Apart? – Oh the Wonder!
OK, remember the fun we had as kids (well, maybe even now as big kids, AKA, adults) when we pulled “stuff” apart to maybe fix it, or just to see how it works? Did you get good examples of how all sorts of electronic and mechanical pieces and parts are assembled to make a working “thing”? Did a little learning happen? Oh yeah, again, remember how much fun that was? Did I ask that already?
Well, here’s a chance to bring your kid, or your “inner” kid to the party. We’ve put a box, yes, a big plastic bin,
OK, the idea here is to give kids and others a chance to take a look at the guts of things, and maybe fix them, if possible. If you determine it can’t be fixed, maybe the pieces and parts can be salvaged and placed in a junk box (well, junk boxes with categories, like transformers, capacitors, connectors, etc.). Maybe the whole thing just needs to be tossed in the trash.
The rules? If something is placed inside the box, it needs to be tagged with a little information. It should include the name of the donor, the date, the nomenclature of the equipment, and a general sense of what is right or wrong with the item. If you decide to work on one of these items, you need to take photos of your effort, then document the investigation and possible repair so that we can put it up as a blog post.

Right now, inside the box is just one item. It’s an Oster immersion blender. In this case, it is suspected that perhaps in internal fuse has blown. But that’s just the suspicion. This thing looks like it can be taken apart, so maybe you want to take on this project?
The work should be done in the tech lab if possible, but if you feel compelled to take it home to do the work,
Stop by the RSOC on a Working Wednesday or Saturday to give it a shot. If you have something to add to the box, please feel free, but be sure to tag it appropriately. Eventually we’ll have tags there you can tie onto the item, but for now, maybe just note the info on a piece of paper, place it inside a small Ziploc bag, and use a tie wrap or wire twistee to attach it.
Bring your kid and have some fun. Be sure to follow safe work practices!
Kent Petty, KL5T
Vice President
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