HF Radio Assistance Please – Icom IC-7600 and SGC SG2000
We’ve got a couple HF rigs we’re trying to get configured at the RSOC and really need some help. If you are an owner of an Icom IC-7600 or SGC...
Operator and Sponsor of the Radio Science and Operations Center (RSOC)
We’ve got a couple HF rigs we’re trying to get configured at the RSOC and really need some help. If you are an owner of an Icom IC-7600 or SGC...
The AARC will offer an amateur radio technician license examination preparation course on January 26 and 27, 2019. With some preparation, this course is intended to cover topics over two...
Jim Gifford, KL1IO, reports that they will hold an amateur radio license testing session on January 11, 2019 in Valdez. The test site is the First Baptist Church located at...
To our fellow hams and family members: Thanks for the efforts over the last few days. We’ve all been impacted here one way or another. I hope that you are...
At the Radio Science & Operations Center (RSOC) we have the SteppIR Mark IV vertical installed and working, using temporary Field Day ground radials. One of the grounding blocks had...
Hams in the Anchorage, Mat-Su Valley, and Kenai Peninsula areas participated in the 2018 Great Alaska ShakeOut Earthquake Drill on October 18. At the appointed time, 10:18 a.m., from the...
The Anchorage Area ARES group and Anchorage Amateur Radio Club ask for your participation in the The Great Alaska ShakeOut “Earthquake Drill”, tomorrow, October 18, 2018 at 10:18 a.m. We...
On the afternoon of October 10, a transmitter keyed up on 147.93 MHz. This happens to be the input frequency for club’s Grubstake VHF repeater (147.33/93). As a result, the...
An additional Fairbanks license testing session is scheduled for October 13, 2018. Please follow this link to register. 73, Kent Petty, KL5T Chairman, Anchorage ARC VEC
AREDN released version of their firmware a few days ago. This is a major release that resulted in expanded support of Ubiquit, Microtik, and TP-Link hardware. See the AREDN...
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