Looking for APRS Options Without a Radio?
By: John LIme, KL4OF Written: April 10, 2022 Most of us know roughly what APRS is, or at least have heard of it. Some of us are pretty knowledgeable about it...
Operator and Sponsor of the Radio Science and Operations Center (RSOC)
By: John LIme, KL4OF Written: April 10, 2022 Most of us know roughly what APRS is, or at least have heard of it. Some of us are pretty knowledgeable about it...
Are you in the South Central Alaska area? Reminder….join the South Central Simplex Net tonight and every Wednesday evening starting at 1900L on 146.52 MHz FM. Be ready for multiple...
A South Central Simplex Net webpage is being created. There’s not much there yet, but there is a link that will allow you to see the net log if you...
Boris Mesits, KE8JLB, is a student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and is a member of their SEDS Club (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space)....
Boris Mesits, KE8JLB, reports that they are still assembling everything for the Weather Balloon Experiment being put together at UNC Chapel Hill. The radio transmitter works beautifully, they were able...
Are you an IRLP god? A DMR god? A D-Star god? A Fusion god? An EME god? Are you a god of something amateur radio? If you are, or know...
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS)? You’ve probably heard of it. Bob Bruninga, WB4APR? You might have heard of him. You may have even dabbled with APRS. Maybe you found it...
I had an experience tonight that provided me with a little amazement. It spoke to the robustness of the AREDN MESH networking protocol, equipment, and capabilities. Here’s my little story....
Boris Mesits, KE8JLB visited the RSOC during this week’s Working Wednesday. Boris is a graduate of South High School in Anchorage and is now attending college at UNC Chapel Hill. Boris asked for a bit of help putting together a 2-meter antenna to be mounted to an APRS Weather Balloon experiment his student club at…
Hams in the Anchorage, Mat-Su Valley, and Kenai Peninsula areas participated in the 2018 Great Alaska ShakeOut Earthquake Drill on October 18. At the appointed time, 10:18 a.m., from the...
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