Worldwide AREDN Mesh Network Metrics
Most of you are probably aware of our Anchorage ARC AREDN Mesh Network. The network is a very important part of our EMCOMM effort and other amateur activities. Examples include:...
Operator and Sponsor of the Radio Science and Operations Center (RSOC)
Anything and everything to do with high speed mesh networking
Most of you are probably aware of our Anchorage ARC AREDN Mesh Network. The network is a very important part of our EMCOMM effort and other amateur activities. Examples include:...
A 5.8 GHz Mikrotik MANT19S 120-degree sector unit was added to the AREDN Mesh arsenal at our Anchorage Hillside South site yesterday. It is aligned due west with 120 degrees...
Don’t forget about the South Central Simplex Net (SCSN) tonight. The SCSN is held every Wednesday at 19:00L (7:00 PM), local Alaska time. The purpose of the Net is to...
A rare failure of a mesh node (the only one we’ve ever had) took down the 5.8 GHz mesh link from the RSOC to the old Fire Station 2 (FS2)...
A 5.8 GHz Mikrotik MANT19S 120-degree sector antenna has been added to the AREDN Mesh arsenal at Site Summit late last week. It is bore-sited to 310 degrees with 120...
The Anchorage ARC is installing a new Winlink VHF RMS (Rado Mail Server) but this RMS will be operated as a VARA FM station instead of using traditional Packet 1200...
There will be a new addition to the South Central Simplex Net tonight. Remember, the net starts at 1900L on 146.52 FM. Check-ins will be taken on a function called...
Due to snowpocolypse, I needed to delay the AREDN Mesh Node Flashing Clinic until tomorrow, Sunday, November 12 at 11:00 Alaska time. I’ll demonstrate flashing a Mikrotik node and a...
We have acquired several pieces of Mikrotik 5 GHz gear we need to configure to use on our Anchorage AREDN Mesh network. “Flashing” these units to install the AREDN firmware...
Update posted by: Kent Petty, KL5T Date 2/11/2022 Thanks to help from Eugen (KL3RR) and Mike (KL3HY) this afternoon we solved the issue with a very important addition we’ve been...
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