Grubstake Wide Area Repeaters About to be Shut Down
Did you know that the Grubstake wide area repeaters are about to be shut down unless a funding source is identified? The Grubstake site is host to our linked 147.33/93...
Operator and Sponsor of the Radio Science and Operations Center (RSOC)
Did you know that the Grubstake wide area repeaters are about to be shut down unless a funding source is identified? The Grubstake site is host to our linked 147.33/93...
Are you an IRLP god? A DMR god? A D-Star god? A Fusion god? An EME god? Are you a god of something amateur radio? If you are, or know...
NOTE: Please see below. We had some problems with the form attached to this previous post, so I you submitted the form, we probably didn’t get it. We’re taking a different...
There’s a great opportunity for our Raspberry Pi enthusiasts to take on an important and interesting project for the club. If successful, it might be something that many of our...
The annual Walk and Roll for Hope is tomorrow and the AARC is providing comm support for the event. The field crew is ready to deploy, and Brandon, KL7BSC, will...
When the 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck at 0031L, local hams became active on the 147.30/90 repeater located atop Site Summit. As many of you know, this repeater covers a wide area...
A power outage struck parts of South Anchorage and the Anchorage Hillside a few days ago. The outage took down a few of our hillside assets for about 2 hours...
It looks as though we may have a good fix in place for the Grubstake 2-meter (147.33+) and 440 (443.90+) repeaters. As you may know, the units have been off/on/offline...
A big work crew attacked the Site Summit 147.30/90 repeater site yesterday. Mike, KL7MD, facilitated site access and Dave, AL7LO led the effort to rewire the entire repeater and packet...
Working Wednesday was productive tonight (9/6/2017) as a gang of us engineered an installation plan, built a Cat5e cable, set the down-angle tilt, upgraded AREDN firmware in the Ubiquiti M3...