Pickup Tires – A Little Over Half-Way There
By Kent Petty, KL5T Our target is $1,500 for tire replacement on the Ford F350 pickup is a bit over halfway met. To date we’ve raised a total of $800;...
Operator and Sponsor of the Radio Science and Operations Center (RSOC)
By Kent Petty, KL5T Our target is $1,500 for tire replacement on the Ford F350 pickup is a bit over halfway met. To date we’ve raised a total of $800;...
By: Kent Petty, KL5T Want to make a difference? The Anchorage Amateur Radio Club / Radio Science and Operations Center (AARC/RSOC) is raising money to fund a tire replacement on...
For quite some time now we’ve had an issue with our SteppIR vertical antenna. It works great on 40 meters and above, but darn if it gives us high SWR...
It’s that time of the year for Alaskan’s to apply for the PFD. Please know that the Anchorage Amateur Radio Club is eligible for the PDF and we could sure...
Working Wednesdays are busy nights at the Radio Science and Operations Center (RSOC). To give a sense of what we’re up to, here’s a partial list of the happenings from...
Many of you know that we have something we call “Working Wednesdays”. Ever wonder what that’s really about? It’s pretty simple really. It’s just a night of the week that...
The club website has been updated to allow members who have borrowed equipment to use the same form on the website to let us know the equipment has been returned. ...
Are you an IRLP god? A DMR god? A D-Star god? A Fusion god? An EME god? Are you a god of something amateur radio? If you are, or know...
OK, remember the fun we had as kids (well, maybe even now as big kids, AKA, adults) when we pulled “stuff” apart to maybe fix it, or just to see...
We’ve got a couple HF rigs we’re trying to get configured at the RSOC and really need some help. If you are an owner of an Icom IC-7600 or SGC...
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