New RSOC Logo Debuts
The Anchorage Amateur Radio Club (AARC) Board of Directors commissioned a new logo for the Radio Science and Operations Center tonight at their monthly Board of Directors meeting. Better known...
Operator and Sponsor of the Radio Science and Operations Center (RSOC)
The Anchorage Amateur Radio Club (AARC) Board of Directors commissioned a new logo for the Radio Science and Operations Center tonight at their monthly Board of Directors meeting. Better known...
Are you an IRLP god? A DMR god? A D-Star god? A Fusion god? An EME god? Are you a god of something amateur radio? If you are, or know...
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS)? You’ve probably heard of it. Bob Bruninga, WB4APR? You might have heard of him. You may have even dabbled with APRS. Maybe you found it...
We’ve got a couple HF rigs we’re trying to get configured at the RSOC and really need some help. If you are an owner of an Icom IC-7600 or SGC...
At the Radio Science & Operations Center (RSOC) we have the SteppIR Mark IV vertical installed and working, using temporary Field Day ground radials. One of the grounding blocks had...
Hams in the Anchorage, Mat-Su Valley, and Kenai Peninsula areas participated in the 2018 Great Alaska ShakeOut Earthquake Drill on October 18. At the appointed time, 10:18 a.m., from the...
The Anchorage Area ARES group and Anchorage Amateur Radio Club ask for your participation in the The Great Alaska ShakeOut “Earthquake Drill”, tomorrow, October 18, 2018 at 10:18 a.m. We...
On the afternoon of October 10, a transmitter keyed up on 147.93 MHz. This happens to be the input frequency for club’s Grubstake VHF repeater (147.33/93). As a result, the...
The following is a slightly edited version of an article published in the AARC September 2018 Newsletter. It was time, the AARC has received so many battery donations over...
Saturday was a busy, busy day at the RSOC. A dandy crew of folks got together to tune up our AB-105 tower with a proper accoutrement of antennas, from 20...
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